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West Lawrence

West Lawrence

In the friendly area of West Lawrence resides 6,476 people where 64% are homeowners . With an average age of 41, the residents of West Lawrence are well established, with many growing families of all ages.

West Lawrence offers a perfect balance of suburban comfort and modern convenience, making it one of the most sought-after neighborhoods in Lawrence, Kansas. Known for its well-planned communities, tree-lined streets, and spacious homes, this area provides a peaceful retreat while remaining close to everything the city has to offer.

With a mix of established neighborhoods and newer developments, West Lawrence features a variety of housing styles, from classic ranch homes to elegant custom builds. The area is home to top-rated schools, beautiful parks, and well-maintained trails, making it ideal for families, professionals, and retirees alike.

West Lawrence also boasts excellent shopping and dining options, with easy access to major retailers, local restaurants, and everyday conveniences. Quick access to I-70 makes commuting to nearby cities effortless, while the proximity to the University of Kansas ensures residents can enjoy the vibrancy of downtown without sacrificing tranquility.

For those seeking a welcoming community with modern amenities, scenic green spaces, and a relaxed atmosphere, West Lawrence offers an exceptional place to call home.

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