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East Lawrence

East Lawrence

In the friendly area of East Lawrence resides 2,199 people where 25% are homeowners . With an average age of 33, it’s a fairly young and energetic area, with many of them starting new families.

East Lawrence is a neighborhood that effortlessly blends historic charm with modern creativity. Known for its eclectic mix of architectural styles, including Victorian homes, quaint bungalows, and innovative sustainable designs, East Lawrence offers a living experience like no other.

The community thrives on its vibrant arts scene, anchored by the Warehouse Arts District, where local galleries, studios, and creative businesses flourish. Unique coffee shops, locally-owned eateries, and community events add to its welcoming and dynamic atmosphere.

With its close-knit community feel and a perfect balance of history and innovation, East Lawrence stands out as a distinctive and highly desirable place to call home. Whether you’re drawn by its artistic vibe or its rich heritage, this neighborhood offers something for everyone.

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