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Mission, KS

Mission, KS

In the friendly area of Mission, KS resides 30,993 people where 63% are homeowners . With an average age of 37, the residents of Mission, KS are well established, with many growing families of all ages.

Mission, KS, is a thriving first-ring suburb of Kansas City known for its convenient location, walkable neighborhoods, and mix of historic and modern real estate. With easy access to major highways like I-35 and Metcalf Avenue, residents enjoy quick commutes to downtown Kansas City, the Country Club Plaza, and nearby suburbs. Real estate opportunities in Mission include charming mid-century homes, newly renovated properties, and modern townhomes, particularly in sought-after areas near Johnson Drive, where local businesses, coffee shops, and restaurants create a lively atmosphere. The city's blend of affordability and accessibility makes it attractive to first-time homebuyers, young professionals, and downsizers looking for a well-connected community.

For investors, Mission offers strong rental demand and redevelopment potential, with increasing interest in multi-family housing and mixed-use developments. Areas near the Gateway redevelopment project and downtown Mission have seen growth in new apartment complexes and commercial spaces, driving property values upward. The Mission Transit Center and ongoing revitalization efforts along Johnson Drive further enhance the area's appeal. Additionally, the city’s strong community focus, with annual events like the Mission Farm & Flower Market and Arts & Eats Festival, continues to draw residents and businesses. With a prime location, a growing commercial sector, and a commitment to modernization, Mission remains a solid choice for both homebuyers and real estate investors.

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