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Wamego, KS

Wamego, KS

In the beautiful area of Wamego, KS resides 9,157 people where 74% are homeowners . With an average age of 39, the residents of Wamego, KS are well established, with many growing families of all ages.

Wamego, KS, is a charming small town with a growing real estate market, offering a blend of historic character and modern convenience. Known for its vibrant downtown, well-preserved 19th-century architecture, and strong community spirit, Wamego attracts homebuyers looking for a welcoming atmosphere with easy access to Manhattan and Topeka. The city’s housing market includes everything from historic homes near Lincoln Avenue to newer subdivisions on the town’s outskirts, providing options for a variety of buyers. With top-rated schools, a thriving local economy, and attractions like the Oz Museum and Wamego City Park, the town continues to be a desirable location for families, retirees, and professionals alike.

Wamego's location along U.S. Highway 24 makes commuting to nearby cities simple while allowing residents to enjoy the peacefulness of small-town living. The local economy is supported by a mix of agriculture, small businesses, and nearby Kansas State University, driving steady demand for housing. New developments and commercial growth continue to enhance the town’s appeal, making it a promising option for both homebuyers and real estate investors looking for a market with long-term stability and charm.

Wamego, KS Neighborhood Guides

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Wamego, KS

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Wamego, KS
Market Report

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