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Northwest Lawrence

Northwest Lawrence

In the friendly area of Northwest Lawrence resides 33,080 people where 53% are homeowners . With an average age of 38, the residents of Northwest Lawrence are well established, with many growing families of all ages.

Northwest Lawrence is a thriving and rapidly growing part of the city, offering a perfect blend of suburban tranquility, modern conveniences, and easy access to everything Lawrence, Kansas, has to offer. This area is home to sought-after neighborhoods such as Fall Creek, Deerfield, Quail Run, and Briarwood, each known for their welcoming atmosphere and well-planned communities.

Housing in Northwest Lawrence ranges from spacious single-family homes in Deerfield to newer developments in Fall Creek and upscale properties in Briarwood. Quail Run, with its tree-lined streets and strong neighborhood ties, remains a popular choice for families. Many neighborhoods feature walking trails, parks, and playgrounds, making them ideal for residents who enjoy an active lifestyle. The area is also home to some of the city’s top-rated schools, further adding to its appeal for families.

Beyond its residential charm, Northwest Lawrence boasts a growing commercial district with shopping centers, restaurants, and essential services. Whether you're enjoying a meal at a locally owned eatery, browsing boutique shops, or taking care of everyday errands, convenience is always within reach. Rock Chalk Park, a premier sports and recreation facility, provides top-tier athletic fields, walking trails, and community fitness opportunities.

With quick access to I-70, the University of Kansas, and Downtown Lawrence, Northwest Lawrence offers the best of both worlds—modern suburban living with easy connectivity to the heart of the city. Whether you’re drawn by its high-quality schools, scenic neighborhoods, or expanding amenities, Northwest Lawrence is a fantastic place to call home.

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