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Northeast Lawrence

Northeast Lawrence

In the friendly area of Northeast Lawrence resides 25,816 people where 35% are homeowners . With an average age of 29, it’s a fairly young and energetic area, with many of them starting new families.

Northeast Lawrence offers a unique blend of historic charm, natural beauty, and a strong sense of local pride. Located along the north bank of the Kansas River, this area is home to neighborhoods like North Lawrence and Maple Grove, where wide streets, mature trees, and a mix of classic and modern homes create a welcoming, small-town atmosphere.

The community is known for its deep roots, with many longtime residents passing down stories of the area’s rich history. From historic farmhouses to mid-century cottages and newer builds, Northeast Lawrence offers a variety of housing styles, often with larger lots and a quieter, more relaxed setting. The Kansas River and nearby green spaces provide a scenic backdrop for outdoor enthusiasts, with access to parks, walking trails, and water activities like fishing and kayaking.

Local favorites like Johnny’s Tavern, a Lawrence institution, and the annual North Lawrence Sandrat Reunion celebrate the neighborhood’s strong community spirit. Riverfront Park and Burcham Park offer peaceful retreats, while easy access to Downtown Lawrence means shopping, dining, and entertainment are just minutes away.

With a perfect balance of history, nature, and connectivity, Northeast Lawrence provides a one-of-a-kind living experience. Whether you're drawn to its peaceful surroundings, friendly neighbors, or convenient location, this neighborhood is a special place to call home.

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