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Raytown, MO

Raytown, MO

In the friendly area of Raytown, MO resides 29,925 people where 61% are homeowners . With an average age of 42, the residents of Raytown, MO are well established, with many growing families of all ages.

Raytown, MO, is a classic Kansas City suburb that blends affordability with convenience, making it a great choice for homebuyers seeking a well-connected community. With its mature neighborhoods, spacious lots, and a mix of mid-century homes and newer builds, Raytown offers a range of housing options at competitive prices. The city’s location just minutes from downtown Kansas City and the Truman Sports Complex provides easy access to jobs, entertainment, and major highways like I-70 and Highway 350. Raytown also boasts a strong local identity, with community events, locally owned businesses, and outdoor spaces like C. Lee Kenagy Park giving it a welcoming, hometown feel.

Real estate opportunities in Raytown continue to grow as the city invests in revitalization and infrastructure improvements. Affordable home prices and a steady demand for rentals make it an appealing market for investors, while ongoing redevelopment efforts along the Blue Parkway and Raytown Road corridors are creating new commercial and residential opportunities. With a mix of long-time residents and new homeowners moving in, Raytown is positioned for long-term stability and growth, making it a smart choice for those looking to buy, sell, or invest in the Kansas City metro area.

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