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Lee's Summit, MO

Lee's Summit, MO

In the friendly area of Lee's Summit, MO resides 101,249 people where 77% are homeowners . With an average age of 39, the residents of Lee's Summit, MO are well established, with many growing families of all ages.

Lee’s Summit, MO, is one of the most dynamic and rapidly growing suburbs in the Kansas City metro, offering a mix of modern conveniences, strong community values, and diverse real estate options. Known for its highly rated schools, vibrant downtown, and plentiful green spaces like Longview Lake and Legacy Park, Lee’s Summit attracts families, professionals, and retirees alike. The real estate market includes everything from charming historic homes in the downtown district to newer developments like New Longview and Winterset Valley, offering a range of options for buyers seeking small-town charm with easy access to city amenities. Its strategic location along major highways like I-470 and U.S. 50 makes commuting to Kansas City effortless while maintaining a strong local economy with plenty of job opportunities.

For investors, Lee’s Summit presents strong potential in both residential and commercial real estate. The city continues to experience steady growth, with retail and mixed-use developments expanding along Douglas Street and Highway 291, bringing new businesses and entertainment options to the area. The demand for rental properties remains high, making multi-family and single-family rentals a solid investment. Additionally, Lee’s Summit’s commitment to smart growth and infrastructure improvements ensures long-term property value appreciation. As one of Missouri’s fastest-growing communities, it remains a prime location for those seeking stability, opportunity, and a high quality of life.

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