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Roeland Park, KS

Roeland Park, KS

In the friendly area of Roeland Park, KS resides 6,980 people where 73% are homeowners . With an average age of 37, the residents of Roeland Park, KS are well established, with many growing families of all ages.

Roeland Park, KS, is a small but vibrant suburb located just a few miles from downtown Kansas City, offering a mix of well-established neighborhoods and newer developments. Known for its friendly community, tree-lined streets, and walkability, Roeland Park is an attractive option for young professionals, families, and those looking for easy access to both suburban and urban amenities. Real estate opportunities in Roeland Park primarily consist of charming mid-century homes, ranch-style properties, and some newly constructed homes in areas like 48th Street and Roe Boulevard. The city’s proximity to major highways like I-35 and 75th Street ensures convenient access to nearby shopping, dining, and recreational spots.

For investors, Roeland Park offers solid potential in the residential rental market, with consistent demand driven by its central location and affordable housing options compared to surrounding areas. The city is also seeing redevelopment efforts, with new residential and commercial projects emerging around the revitalized Roeland Park Shopping Center and residential neighborhoods near Nall Park. As Roeland Park continues to attract new residents and businesses, its real estate market is expected to grow, making it a promising location for both homebuyers and investors looking for stable appreciation and rental income potential.

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Roeland Park, KS
Market Report

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