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Mission Hills, KS

Mission Hills, KS

In the friendly area of Mission Hills, KS resides 3,627 people where 99% are homeowners . With an average age of 45, the residents of Mission Hills, KS are well established, with many growing families of all ages.

Mission Hills, KS, is one of the most prestigious and exclusive suburbs of Kansas City, known for its grand estate homes, beautifully landscaped streets, and proximity to premier country clubs. The city is characterized by its historic architecture, featuring stately Tudor, Colonial, and Mediterranean-style homes, many of which are located along scenic Brush Creek. Real estate opportunities in Mission Hills are primarily luxury properties, with high property values and strong appreciation potential. Its prime location near State Line Road and Ward Parkway provides easy access to the Country Club Plaza, making it an ideal choice for executives, professionals, and those seeking a refined residential experience.

For investors and luxury homebuyers, Mission Hills offers unparalleled exclusivity and stability in the real estate market. The neighborhood is home to renowned landmarks like the Mission Hills Country Club and the Kansas City Country Club, both of which contribute to the area's timeless appeal. Many homes in the area have undergone significant renovations or custom rebuilds, preserving the city’s historical charm while incorporating modern luxury. With top-tier schools, meticulously maintained green spaces, and a strong sense of community, Mission Hills remains one of the most desirable and prestigious real estate markets in the Kansas City metro area.

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