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Saline County, KS

Saline County, KS

In the beautiful area of Saline County, KS resides 53,650 people where 66% are homeowners . With an average age of 39, the residents of Saline County, KS are well established, with many growing families of all ages.

Saline County, KS, offers a dynamic blend of city life and rural tranquility, making it a prime spot for homebuyers and investors alike. With Salina as its economic and cultural center, the county provides a variety of housing options, from charming historic homes to modern new builds and spacious country properties. The area benefits from a strong job market, thanks to its location at the crossroads of I-70 and I-135, attracting professionals, families, and retirees who appreciate both convenience and affordability.

Beyond its real estate appeal, Saline County is rich in recreation and community spirit. Salina’s vibrant arts and entertainment scene, including the Stiefel Theatre and Smoky Hill River Festival, adds to the area’s charm. Residents also enjoy outdoor activities at Indian Rock Park and the Rolling Hills Zoo. With a growing local economy, top-rated schools, and a welcoming atmosphere, Saline County continues to be a sought-after destination for those looking to plant roots in central Kansas.

Saline County, KS Neighborhood Guides

Market reports, school information and even restaurant recommendations!

Saline County, KS

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Saline County, KS
Market Report

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Around The Area

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