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Riley, KS

Riley, KS

In the beautiful area of Riley, KS resides 1,249 people where 91% are homeowners . With an average age of 44, the residents of Riley, KS are well established, with many growing families of all ages.

Riley, KS, is a charming rural community that combines small-town living with easy access to nearby cities like Manhattan and Junction City. Located along U.S. Highway 77, Riley offers a peaceful setting while remaining within a short drive of major employers such as Fort Riley Military Base and Kansas State University. The town is known for its friendly atmosphere, excellent schools within the Riley County USD 378 district, and affordable housing options. Homebuyers will find a mix of traditional ranch-style homes, modern new builds, and larger properties with acreage, making it ideal for families, retirees, and those looking for extra space.

Beyond housing, Riley provides a strong sense of community with local events, businesses, and outdoor activities. The town’s proximity to Tuttle Creek Lake and the Flint Hills offers plenty of opportunities for fishing, hiking, and camping, attracting those who appreciate an active, outdoor lifestyle. As Riley continues to grow, investments in infrastructure and local amenities have made it an increasingly desirable place to live. With its combination of affordability, accessibility, and a welcoming environment, Riley presents an excellent opportunity for homebuyers and investors looking for stability and long-term potential in the heart of Kansas.

Riley, KS Neighborhood Guides

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Riley, KS

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Riley, KS
Market Report

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