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Independence, MO

Independence, MO

In the friendly area of Independence, MO resides 133,020 people where 61% are homeowners . With an average age of 40, the residents of Independence, MO are well established, with many growing families of all ages.

Independence, MO, offers a unique blend of historic charm and modern convenience, making it a standout choice for homebuyers and investors alike. As one of the largest suburbs in the Kansas City metro, the city boasts a wide range of housing options, from historic homes near the Truman Library to newer subdivisions along Little Blue Parkway. Independence is also packed with amenities, including the Independence Center for shopping, the Cable Dahmer Arena for entertainment, and scenic parks like Waterfall Park. Its location along I-70 and I-435 provides easy access to the rest of the metro, making it ideal for commuters who want suburban living with city convenience.

The real estate market in Independence is diverse and full of opportunity. Affordable home prices and strong rental demand make it an appealing choice for both first-time buyers and investors looking for reliable returns. Commercial development is also on the rise, with revitalization projects breathing new life into areas like the historic Independence Square and the Noland Road corridor. Whether you’re looking for a family-friendly neighborhood, an investment property, or a piece of local history, Independence offers something for everyone in a growing, evolving market.

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