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Southwest Topeka

Southwest Topeka

In the friendly area of Southwest Topeka resides 39,218 people where 80% are homeowners . With an average age of 44, the residents of Southwest Topeka are well established, with many growing families of all ages.

Southwest Topeka is a highly desirable area for homebuyers and investors, offering a mix of well-established neighborhoods, newer developments, and luxury homes. The area features a range of real estate options, from affordable single-family homes to upscale properties with larger lots and modern amenities. With excellent access to major roads and highways, including Wanamaker Road and Interstate 470, residents enjoy convenient commutes to the rest of the city. The region is known for its well-maintained parks, good schools, and proximity to retail and dining options, making it an attractive location for families and professionals.

One of the standout features of Southwest Topeka is its access to key amenities and recreational spots. The Kansas Museum of History and the Topeka Zoo at Gage Park provide cultural and entertainment options, while the nearby Colmery-O’Neil VA Medical Center adds to the area’s appeal for healthcare professionals and veterans. Investors may find opportunities in rental properties, as the demand for quality housing remains strong in this part of the city. Additionally, the continued development of shopping centers and businesses along Wanamaker Road makes commercial real estate an appealing prospect. With its combination of convenience, quality living, and investment potential, Southwest Topeka remains a strong market for those looking to buy or invest in real estate.

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