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Southeast Topeka

Southeast Topeka

In the friendly area of Southeast Topeka resides 26,184 people where 73% are homeowners . With an average age of 38, the residents of Southeast Topeka are well established, with many growing families of all ages.

Southeast Topeka offers a range of real estate opportunities, from affordable single-family homes to investment properties with strong rental potential. The area, primarily covered by ZIP codes 66605 and 66609, includes well-established neighborhoods with a mix of older and newer homes. Affordability is a key draw, making it an attractive option for first-time homebuyers and investors looking for value-add properties. Additionally, the proximity to key landmarks like Lake Shawnee, one of the city's most popular outdoor destinations, enhances the area's appeal. The lake provides recreational opportunities such as fishing, boating, hiking trails, and a golf course, making homes nearby particularly desirable for families and outdoor enthusiasts.

Beyond residential options, commercial real estate in Southeast Topeka also presents promising investment opportunities. The area benefits from access to major roadways, including SE 29th Street and SE California Avenue, which support local businesses and retail growth. The Topeka Regional Airport, located just south of the area, contributes to economic activity, attracting businesses and logistics operations. The Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site, an important landmark in American history, is also nearby, adding cultural significance to the area. With ongoing development projects and infrastructure improvements, Southeast Topeka offers real estate investors and homeowners the potential for long-term growth and stability in a well-connected part of the city.

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