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North Topeka

North Topeka

In the friendly area of North Topeka resides 5,554 people where 68% are homeowners . With an average age of 39, the residents of North Topeka are well established, with many growing families of all ages.

North Topeka, KS, is a growing real estate market that blends historic charm with modern revitalization. The area, home to the vibrant NOTO Arts District, has seen significant investment in recent years, attracting homebuyers, business owners, and investors alike. With a mix of historic homes, affordable starter properties, and new developments, North Topeka offers a variety of housing options at competitive prices. Its affordability compared to other parts of the city makes it an attractive option for first-time buyers and those looking for long-term investment opportunities.

Beyond its real estate appeal, North Topeka boasts a strong sense of community and a thriving local culture. The area is known for its arts scene, locally owned shops, and year-round events that bring residents together. Its proximity to downtown Topeka provides easy access to jobs, entertainment, and dining, while continued redevelopment efforts are driving growth and increasing property values. For those seeking a home in a dynamic and evolving neighborhood, North Topeka offers both opportunity and charm.

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Market Report

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